Book Trilogy Mockup

This is Love Podcast
Museum of Broken Relationships sketch

This is Love podcast, hosted by Phobe Judge, is a series of heartfelt stories from around the world. With six seasons and hundreds of episodes, I decided on "Museum of Broken Relationships," "How Have You Been," and "Lost and Found." The connection build between these stories creates a new story of heartbreak and reconnection.

The design of the covers is very similar to my initial concept design. I wanted "Museum of Broken Relationships" to play into being behind glass and something that's stored away. With "How Have You Been," my interpretation was to have paths crossing. "Lost and Found" was different, originally I wanted to create a lost and found box with miscellaneous goods. However upon listening to the podcast again, I decided on pulling apart a casset tape to spell out the words, as if to say "this is our story - on record, messy and pulled apart, but ours."

Museum of Broken Relationships
How Have You Been?
Lost and Found